Introducing e-commerce solutions into the activities of Sveika energija UAB

Sveika energija UAB is an innovative company operating in the field of production and sale of food products, which is successfully implementing the project "Introduction of e-commerce solutions into the activities of Sveika energija UAB" (13.1.1-LVPA-K-860-01-1427, hereinafter - the Project), under the measure No. "E-Commerce model COVID-19".

The project "Introduction of e-commerce solutions into the activities of UAB Sveika energija" aims to introduce modern e-commerce solutions by integrating a customer self-service module and an e-shop into the company's web site. Sveika energija UAB is a successful innovative company in the field of food production and sales for over 9 years, recognised in Lithuania and abroad. The project is aimed at the implementation of an e-shop and its integration into the company's existing resource management system, which will be able to purchase the company's innovative food products, such as nut butters, whey proteins, protein isolates, etc. The project will enable the company's customers to view their purchase history, order-related information, create personalised shopping baskets, receive discounts and loyalty programmes, track the progress of delivery, receive their invoices and other related information.

Sveika energija UAB has received EU Structural Funds support of EUR 49 987.98 for the implementation of an advanced e-commerce system under Priority 13 "Promoting actions to overcome the crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and preparing for an environmentally friendly, digital and sustainable economic recovery" under measure No 13.1.1-LVPA-K-860 "E-commerce model COVID-19", which aims to encourage enterprises to adopt information technologies to manage their business transactions electronically in order to increase revenue growth. The project is supported by the Republic of Lithuania and part-financed by the European Union.

The project will result in the introduction of information technology to manage business transactions electronically in order to increase revenue growth, which will contribute significantly to the development of smart Lithuanian business. The project "Introduction of e-commerce solutions into the activities of UAB Sveika energija" aims at introducing modern e-commerce solutions by integrating a customer self-service module and an e-shop into the company's website, creating a sales module. Integration with the company's production processes will not only allow for simple and fast, personalised customer orders, but will also reduce the administrative burden on the company. The implementation of the Project will create the preconditions for the rapid business development of UAB "Sveika energija" and will create opportunities for the company to continue to compete successfully on the market. The acquired e-commerce solutions will enable the successful launch of interactive service sales processes, automate the company's sales and increase the company's revenues.

The project activities are expected to result in an increase in the company's revenue growth rate.

The project is funded by the European Regional Development Fund.

Project implementation period: 28 February 2022 - 27 February 2023